The Vengeful Murder of Thais Liliencrantz

Erna Janoschek was only seventeen when she brutally murdered the baby she was hired to care for

Heather Monroe


Erna’s Janoschek Mugshot, California State Archives; Sacramento, California; San Quentin Mug Book 62413–71409, Photos 1926–1956, Colorization mine

Ernestine “Erna” Mazie Janoschek was born on April 2, 1911, in the Los Angeles neighborhood of Watts, California. Her father was a German immigrant named Edward Janoschek, and her mother, Maria Worthy, hailed from England.



Heather Monroe

Welcome readers! Heather Monroe is a genealogist and writer who resides in California with her partner and their nine children. •True Crime• History• Memoir•